Obsessive compulsive disorder more commonly called OCD affects many Americans. The National Institute of Mental Health provides an overview of the prevalence rate of OCD: For US adults aged 18 and up, 1.2% reported having OCD in any given year Rates of OCD were found to be higher with women (1.8%) than men (0.5%) The […]
How To Release Trauma
How to Release Trauma Trapped in Your Body Because trauma is any unprocessed thought or emotion that gets stuck in your nervous system. And whether it’s a big, extremely stressful event or a small one, trauma lodges itself in your body. Begin by Butterfly Hugging and Tapping– hug yourself and then alternately tap on your […]
You May Be In Desperate Need of Tea Time
I don’t know where to start when it comes to giving myself more time. Whether it’s for self care, time to relax or extra time with my children. I never know how to prioritize my needs to my wants. Does this sound like you? Are you struggling with making more time for yourself? If so, […]
Letting Go of Anger
Do you feel angry all the time and can’t seem to find the reason why? Maybe you are holding some sort of grudge toward someone or something. “Breathing is the number one and most effective technique for reducing anger and anxiety quickly.” It can be frustrating and often you’ll feel bad afterwards, for having been […]
How to Handle Frustration
I never handled stress very well. I am a high strung individual. Mind going a million miles a minute, brain trying to process 5 things at once while still standing with a smile. If this is you, then we can relate. Frustration can get to the best of us. It is when we feel an […]
Family Estrangement
It’s painful and isolating to be apart from your family. Family estrangement is a difficult thing to deal with. Family estrangement is a separation within a family, often involving one or more members of the family choosing to withdraw from one another. It often happens between adult children and their parents, but estrangements between parents […]
Improve Your Intimacy
The human body releases the hormone cortisol in response to stress. Chronic stress causes depression and eventually mental illness. Stress makes people tired and disagreeable. If you are depressed then you can’t feel emotional intimacy. The good news ..is that stress is manageable. Identify the trigger that causes stress in your lives and deal with […]
Stop judging me
When I was younger I enjoyed playing with the boys, riding bikes and catching salamanders, I would say I strived for adventure. But growing up wasn’t always adventures, it was lonely at times, feeling I always was out of place or had to act a certain way to fit in. Looking back on the years […]
Are you addicted?
Addiction Do you or someone you know suffer from addiction? Yes, addiction can come in all forms, not just drug addiction. Pornography, sex, gambling, over-eating, shopping and many many more. Addiction is just that, being addicted to a particular substance, place or thing. Here are a few red flag warnings you may be addicted to […]
When Is It Time for Therapy?
Counseling, when is the right time? When is it the right time to seek counseling? Counseling services are designed for anyone who needs help to get through their daily life, who seek comfort, in a confidential atmosphere to speak on some of the following but not limited to; adjusting to college life (roommate issues, time […]
Fear Me Not
Do you fear? Fear is so much more than being scared when you watch a scary movie or maybe you fear something like spiders, water, fire or being alone. What is fear? Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something that is dangerous, will likely cause pain, or cause a […]
Feeding Your Mind
Most of us believe that what we put in our bodies will be the outcome on how our bodies will adapt to disease, our environment and daily living. Maintaining a healthy diet every day isn’t as easy as it sounds. With life going a million miles a second fast-food can be a quick and easy […]
Masterpiece of a Woman
The fight for women’s suffrage In the United States began with the women’s rights movement in the mid-nineteenth century, between the years 1848-1917. One hundred years ago, women were expected to be wives and mothers, tasked with raising good, moral citizens and keeping comfortable homes. Most women didn’t have careers, with the exception of teachers, […]
May is for Mental Health
The History of Mental Health Awareness Month Mental Health Awareness Month was first celebrated in 1949 and every year after that. It was originally organized by the Mental Health America organization that later became known today as National Mental Health Association. A man named Clifford Whittingham-Beers from Connecticut, who was born in the year 1876 […]
Your Sign to Not Give Up
Don’t give up When you feel like you want to just throw in the towel and give up… who do you turn to? Suicide is a name that many feel uncomfortable for some to speak on. Suicide is death that is caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. An attempt is when someone […]