Mailing address: 4465 E. Genesee Street #146 DeWitt, NY 13214 | All Sessions Virtual

You Feel Like Your Teen Is Struggling, But What Do You Do?

Is your teen exhibiting worrisome behaviors?

Maybe they are acting completely out of the norm, and you can’t figure out why.

Has there been trouble adjusting in the last year; online school, isolation, loss of social life and sports?

Maybe your teen has had a sudden drop in grades, a loss of interest in activities they once loved, or has withdrawn from everything altogether.

Are you worried about your teen’s safety because of thoughts of suicide, preferring to be alone, or hearing voices, but unsure of how to find adequate adolescent counseling?

Where does one even find therapy for teens?

You are exhausted, worried, and feeling guilt and shame that things have gotten to this point, not knowing where to turn or who to talk to.


Many Parents Have No Idea Where To Find The Help Their Child Deserves

It is common for parents to feel lost when finding the right therapist for their teenager. Many parents find themselves starting with their children’s school, only to be met with time-limited sessions, brief check-ins, and inconsistent scheduling. Where do you turn from there?

You want your adolescent to have the space to work through the turmoil they are experiencing. If you could just get them the help they need, you could have the child you always knew back, and maybe even experience a night of rest, able to push aside worry about what is to come next.


You Are Not Alone

Prior to the COVID19 pandemic, about 6 million children and teenagers were diagnosed with anxiety or depression. These numbers do not even begin to account for the mental health crisis caused by the disruption of our children’s lives due to quarantine.

Teenagers are already undergoing pivotal points in their life; navigating high school and beginning to think about next steps after school. Paired with additional stressors like dealing with a bully, spending most of their time on social media, or coping with family stressors, it is not uncommon to see the negative impact on their behaviors, emotions, and overall health.


There Is Hope For You, Your Teen, and Your Family

While finding a therapist with the right education, expertise, and experience is important, we know it is critical to find someone that your teen feels comfortable with. After all, this is their space to feel safe and secure, and foster growth and healing.

We encourage teens and parents interested in therapy to check out our therapists’ professional Instagram accounts. There, you and your teen can see informational and educational posts and videos that allow you to get a glimpse into their approach, personality, and expertise. The ideal teenager therapist embodies expertise, experience, unconditional positive regard, and the ability to deeply understand what your teen is going through.

Teenage counseling can be incredibly effective in helping teens learn to process through current life stressors, learn helpful coping skills and strategies, and begin to express themselves in healthier ways. Being a parent is hard, regardless of your unique situation, and it is an admirable thing to seek help for your family.


What If My Teen Doesn’t Open Up In With an Adolescent Therapist?

Our adolescent therapists have specific experience and training in working with adolescents and use evidence-based approaches to work through the distinct stressors and problems that your teen is facing. Prior to beginning the hard work, your adolescent’s therapist will build rapport with your teen; working to foster a safe, warm, and secure environment where they can find comfort in the process of therapy.

Whether this is your teen’s first attempt at therapy, or they have tried various therapists without luck, the progression of therapy will happen at a pace that your teen feels is right for them. You have done your part in providing a nurturing environment for your teen at home, and our therapists will mirror that in addition to having an element of privacy for your teen to thrive in therapy.


What To Expect

In the first session, your adolescent’s therapist will meet with both of you for the first part of session to gain insight and information into what is going on. From there, the sessions will belong to only your teen. We understand it is difficult not to know what is going on in session, but we want to ensure you that their safety is our priority.

Our therapists are mandated reporters, meaning if your teenager presents with any thoughts, plans, or intents to hurt themselves or others, or is engaging in risk-taking behaviors that poses a serious and imminent threat to themselves or others, we are required by law to notify you and appropriate authorities. The rapport and trust built in session does not take precedence to your child’s safety.


I Still Have Some Concerns..

My teen has so much going on, how will we find the time to add in therapy?

The beauty of online therapy is that it can quite literally be done anywhere, at any time. We find that many teens have their sessions in their car, outside of their home or school in a private area, or in their bedroom during a study break. We have various adolescent therapists on board with us and will work to find scheduling that works for your family to ensure your child receives the help they need.


What if I want to be part of the therapy process?

We understand wanting to be involved in your child’s process of growth and healing. We are happy to discuss the option of family therapy in addition to your child’s individual therapy. We have found that having the sacred space of therapy for your teen is so beneficial in allowing them to open up and share in a way that feels right for them. If you feel your family would also benefit from family therapy, we are happy to set that up as well!


I’m not sure my teen will agree to therapy.

Our therapists offer free consultations that can be done via phone or video. In addition, many of our therapists have professional Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook pages which allow your teen to get a glimpse into their personality and approach. It is equally important to allow your teen the space to decline a therapist due to a lack of fit. If this is the case, please let us know and we are happy to provide additional referrals!


I can’t imagine my teen will sit and talk to someone for an hour.

Within teenage counseling, our therapists utilize various approaches with your teen. Some might lean towards CBT for teens, while others may benefit from a more art or expressive type of therapy. Your adolescent therapist will find and continue to fine-tune the best approach for your child.


Take the Next Step

If you think we might be a good fit, or would like to chat more before being scheduled, simply contact us. We are happy to chat and answer any questions or concerns. You deserve to be free from the weight of depression.