When we see life situations differently from others we sometimes can encounter pain, confusion and isolation. When the ones we love and care about shut us out for expressing our feelings and stating opinions.
If we all could understand how people are programmed then it may be easier not to judge them, knowing that in each persons’ mind, they feel they are correct.
How Do People Get Their Opinion or View of the World?
It’s based on our own personal experiences and how we filter the information that comes into our heads.
Basically, the information goes into our brains, then it’s filtered then it comes out.
Our filters and the way we see things are based on our experiences and values, which includes everything from the time we are born.
If you receive lots of love you will see the world one way, if you encounter abuse in your life you will see the world a different way.
So now take in every experience we’ve encountered and it forms part of who we are and how we view the world.
Information is taken in by our senses by either hearing, seeing and/or feeling something.
Since we take in millions of information at one time we would have to filter it or we would have an overload.
There are 3 filters that do this:
- Deletion
- Distortion
- Generalization
These filters in addition to our beliefs, values, attitudes, and experience cause us to see the world a certain way. (Aimsmartcoaching)
I have decided.
I am at this growing point in my life when I need to disconnect myself from others that make me feel less than I am worth. I finally believe I have value and value comes with a price and that price is “Happiness.”
My whole life as I can remember I have been judged and my feelings have been dismissed, due to my opinions based on family secrets, jealousy, friendship & lies of betrayal.
I have been broken and left to suffer my feelings alone.
You may see situations differently and if you need to voice opinions based on your valid feelings do so in a polite and confident way.
If that gets you in a dark place don’t let it.
You matter.
This post was written by Lauren K., and published by Convenient Counseling Services.
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