When I was younger I enjoyed playing with the boys, riding bikes and catching salamanders, I would say I strived for adventure.
But growing up wasn’t always adventures, it was lonely at times, feeling I always was out of place or had to act a certain way to fit in.
Looking back on the years when I didn’t know myself it saddens me. The person I was growing up to be just felt unaccepted and judged.
It took me becoming a mom to realize how much we can get judged.
Seeing it from a different perspective shed some light on how others can perceive younger kids who may have fallen in the wrong crowd but still make the right decisions.
This can have a negative effect on one’s growth of becoming who they are meant to be or where they see themselves in the future.
Do you feel judged, by someone close to you, maybe your In-laws or your own family, a peer or a teacher?
Judging others is so effortless that most people don’t even realize they are doing it.
It is human nature to be alert and in-tune with the things around you.
You were built with survival instincts.
In the wild, animals notice every movement made by those around them.
Why do we judge?
- Brings out hidden feelings
- Lack of knowledge and information
- Weakness and Insecurities
- You want to make yourself look better
- You have negative programing
Fix Your Negativity so You Can Stop Judging Other People
To fix this negative perception, you must step back and take a good look in the mirror.
What is so wrong in your life that you must find fault in others?
You’re not the judge or the jury, so ask yourself these questions before rushing to a verdict:
- Do I know the person I am judging?
- Am I being fair to them?
- Do I know the whole story- before I assume the ending?
- How would I feel if the table was turned and someone was judging me?
The power of positivity stated “Don’t Judge My Path-If You Haven’t Walked My Journey”.
There is great power in those words.
I never could understand how kids can be so mean to others. Why do people bully others?
Well, it’s actually quite simple.
They judge and hate you because they are the ones that are truly struggling.
They criticize, yet they fear criticism themselves.
Bullying is the repeated infliction of harm or distress on another person with the intent to control, intimidate, or otherwise damage another.
It comes in all forms, including torment and social attacks, physical aggression, and taunting and can happen both in person or through social media or the internet at large.
Whether bullying is brief or ongoing, it can have hurtful and long-lasting consequences that manifest in psychological or physical damage.
Become self aware of our own judgements moving forward and critical of our feelings.
If we grow with ourselves and confidence we can take things as a grain of salt.
This post was written by Lauren K., and published by Convenient Counseling Services.
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