“You’re so paranoid!” Has anyone said that to you? Well, Paranoia is not something you joke about. Paranoia is a serious psychological diagnosis. So what is paranoia exactly? The Better Health Channel defines Paranoia as the “irrational and persistent feeling that people are ‘out to get you’ or that you are the subject of persistent, […]
Differences Between a Psychiatrist and Therapist
There comes a time when we need to see a mental health provider. Depending on your circumstance you may be in need of a Psychiatrist or even a mental health counselor. What’s the difference? Well for one it depends on what kind of services you are looking for. Not only that but each profession requires […]
Self-Harm: What it is and Why
Self harm is a difficult and painful topic that can affect everyone and anyone. Some find it difficult to communicate their emotions. Self harm is an unhealthy coping mechanism in which many use to deal with very stressful situations. Why should we be mindful? Well for one if left untreated it can directly result in […]
When Social Use Becomes an Addiction
Substance abuse has been known to be in the mix of mental health disorders. Meaning that individuals who exhibit new behaviors may use substance abuse as an unhealthy coping mechanism. Not only that, but many disregard the potential harm it can cause when consuming it with prescribed medications. Many struggle to find a healthier way […]
Eating Disorders 101
Anorexia and Bulimia Affects millions of individuals around the world. The World Health Organization reported that, “In 2019, 14 million people experienced eating disorders including almost 3 million children and adolescents(WHO,2023)”. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the individual is severely underweight due to a distorted view of their weight. What does that […]
Conduct Disorder
You hear about all these different types of mental health diagnoses and some providers assume you are an expert. It can be nerve wrecking especially when the diagnosis is for a loved one. Have you ever heard of Conduct disorder? The Child Mind Institute defines Conduct disorder as; “a condition in which children and teenagers […]
FAQ: Bipolar I vs. Bipolar II
Bipolar Disorder Everyday more individuals are diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. There are four types of bipolar disorder: Bipolar 1 Bipolar 2 Cyclothymia Other specified/unspecified related disorders (Cleveland Clinic, 2022) When it comes to bipolar we tend to forget about the other types. You are probably wondering how are they different? The Ashley Addiction Treatment website […]
Overcome the Rut in Your Relationship
We reach a moment in our lives where we find love and it’s all good. We feel warmth, happiness, comfort and love. However, sometimes we reach a bump in the road. This “bump” can represent a series of couples’ issues. The most common issues that couples face are; (1) finances (2) intimacy (3) time (4) […]
How to Deal with Triggers
Identifying Your Triggers Many of the times triggers are unidentifiable and pop out of nowhere, they swarm us like a nest of bees. Some triggers are fairly obvious and easy to identify. For example, seeing a report on the news covering a trauma similar to what you experienced might trigger symptoms of PTSD, past events. […]
Advocating For Yourself
How do you advocate for yourself when things are just not going well, when physicians don’t seem to listen to you. When you encounter illness at any time of your life whether it’s with you or a loved one how do you navigate to get to the root of the problem. Advocate for yourself With […]
Ways to Keep Moving Forward When Life Gets Hard
On a scale from 1 to 10.. How upset do you get when someone tells you to “think positively” or “be grateful for what you have” while you’re going through a crisis? When people put it that way it feels like they’re annulling your feelings and the hard times you’re going through. But is there […]
How it Really Feels to be Postpartum
What is Postpartum? The dictionary states that the word postpartum comes from a Latin phrase which means “after childbirth”. The postpartum period begins immediately after birth and lasts for up to six months. That’s the amount of time that it takes a woman’s body toreturn to a pre-pregnancy state. Now anyone that has given birth […]
Does Money Control Your Mood?
Money is not the root of happiness, matter of fact it can rain havoc on your happiness and control your life if you don’t use it wisely. What’s the connection between money and happiness? Things that bring you happiness can be said to have intrinsic value. This means they’re valuable to you but don’t necessarily […]
Random Acts of Kindness
February 17th is National Random act of kindness day. Kindness is a virtue that can transform lives. It is described as the act of being generous or considerate. Just as there is enough evil in this world, there is also kindness and goodness. Kindness is not just a virtue that you read in storybooks, believe […]
Achieving Mental Clarity
Mental Clarity When life gets you down what do you do? When life gets hard, people often believe that they could have done something different that would prevent their circumstances. This is really common in individuals suffering from depression. Only through pain can you truly know how to be grateful for what you already have. […]